Photo by insung yoon on Unsplash Thank you to everyone who contributed to Play for Pink! Because of your generosity, we were able to donate $600 for breast cancer research! Get your complimentary Holiday Mug with every purchase of $20 or more in Thrift and Consignment... while supplies last! This week in ThriftIt's never too early to get your holiday on! * Women’s blazers $4 * Men’s blazers $4 * All children’s clothing 2 for $1 (except coats & shoes) * Women’s tops 20% off * Men’s & Women’s Shoes $4 — Boots $8! This week in ConsignmentRed tickets - 50% off Light Blue tickets - 75% off Dark Purple tickets - $2 Consignors, this week we are not accepting: Bric-a-brac (except Holiday), women’s boots or booties, framed art, rugs, mirrors and women's and teen's skirts. Thank you for your cooperation. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram to find out what's new, what's happening and what great deals we have! Can't shop with us in store? You can still help us fulfill our mission of helping support other nonprofit and service organizations by remembering us when you shop with Amazon. Just click on the Amazon Smile logo below and shop. It's that simple. The Westfield Service League gets .5% of eligible purchases — at no extra cost to you! As always, we thank you for your support.
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